Huntsville Community Choir's Executive Board Plans for New Season and Announces Exciting Updates

As one season finishes, another begins.  That about sums up the Huntsville Community Choir’s Executive’s meeting agenda for the June 11th board meeting.  President Maureen Wilson thanked each of our Executive team members for the hard work that made this past season so successful.  Maureen recognized the leadership of Bessie Grimes on our Fundraising Committee as she leaves that position.  Carmen Pimentel, who vacates the elected position of Director/Secretary will assume the reigns of Fundraising in the new season.  Leslie Buckle will replace Carmen as Director/Secretary as of July 1st.  New appointees to our Executive include Larry Onisto as Webmaster and Rachel Thompson, Facebook Administrator.

Paul Sass, our Director/Treasure presented a detailed financial report of the year’s activities.  According to numbers, we were right on target with last year’s budget, raising more than enough money to support our existing programs as well as a few extras!

In looking forward to the new season, we agreed to start rehearsals on September 10, 2024, at Trinity United Church.  Potential dates for our Christmas and Spring Concerts were discussed but won’t be confirmed until they are booked with Trinity’s Administration.  A couple of other concert opportunities are being considered; but you’ll have to wait to learn more about them!

To balance out the hard work of learning new music, our Social Director, Catherine Smith, is planning some fun get-togethers for Members:  a meet & greet social in September, bowling early next year and a fabulous end-of-the-season banquet!  More information to come!

And finally, if you’re reading this online, you can thank our Webmaster, Larry Onisto, and the creative staff at Reeder Web Design and Marketing, Inc. for creating this fantastic website.  And along with a new website, we even got a refresh on our logo!  We are very excited to have an online presence that equals the great music we present each year.

This is just the beginning of a great new version of our Choir.  Check back often to see and hear what’s happening in the Huntsville Community Choir!


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